Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Digital Blog Post D-Chapter 5

This chapter, Chapter 5, was the most fun for me thus far!  First, there was what is called the "Google A Day", and I had never heard of this until now.  I decided to try it out.  It was quite fun and unfortunately the clock beat me before I could find the correct answer.  This would be awesome to use in class to help students learn how to use a search engine.  It is a way for it to be fun and yet also interactive and giving them the real-life skill of doing research.  Here is a cool video by Google that explains how to use it in the classroom, which was awesome for people like me!!!

The next topic that I liked was e-books or the use of reading on-line or on a tablet.  Right now my students use for their language arts class a program called Achieve3000.  They use Teenbiz on this program, and it lets them read a passage (non-fiction) that relates to something they are discussing in class.  The student can assign which passages he/she wants read.  Then they are asked questions at the end of the passage for comprehension.  I find that this relates to my students and all students because many have access to tablets to be able to read e-books or different news articles.  Schools have been gaining more access to technology such as buying tablets for students to use in the classroom.  I think this could be beneficial in adding text that can only be found as a book, and creating assignments from those books.  I even think students might read more if they give them books they are interested in or can relate to.

The last topic that the book discussed that was something I often use, is Wikipedia.  I think all students should know how to use this properly.  No, it should not be used in any academic writing, but yes, it can be used as a starting point for further research.  I use Wikipedia as my starting point whenever I start a paper.  With every paper I do, I start at Wikipedia to find general information, and based on what I find, I do more critical research based on possible facts that I found on Wikipedia.  For me, Wikipedia is a small reference that expands to more thorough research.  

I loved this chapter, specifically the point about "Google A Day." That was so much fun!!!


Google. (2012, May 2).  A Google A Day in the classroom. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9X2iFKn01c

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite topics, too - I think information literacy is crucial and so rarely taught. One assumes that everyone knows how to use the internet - and use it effectively and ethically - and it is hard to remember that it didn't come with an instruction book. :) Google A Day is a fun way to learn more about key words and critical thinking that comes about when searching - I embed it on my webpage for ease of use and remembrance! :)

    eBooks are definitely growing leaps and bounds - it wasn't that many years ago when the first Nook and Kindle came out and now almost all books are being digitized as soon as they get checked off for publication. Just as the printing press brought about the paper books, transformation is underway in global senses with the ebook.

    Don't forget that you need to include a created digital/web 2.0 tool to get those points.
