Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Digital Blog Post F- Chapter 8

Created by Me on Wordle

After reading Chapter 8, much of the chapter talked about using electronic communication between teachers and students.  One of the first ideas I liked reading about was textspeak or digitalk.  This was interesting as I am an avid texter, but I do not know many of the collection of symbols and letters that are used during texting.  My reason being is that the phone I have spell checks what I text, and it also is hard to go between letters and numbers, preventing me from using the shorthand version of certain words.

In the book it also discussed Wikis, which wouldn't you know it is what we created as a group this week!  I liked some of the ideas that book suggested to use a Wiki for, and as a teacher I would like to use them in my classroom.  Literature circles would be a fun way for students to read a book and then post about it.  It would get them discussing different components of the content they are reading.  

The last topic I found was an interesting term to use for when teachers create websites, and that was homegrown.  It was a great word to use for what great teachers like to do, and that is make something from scratch and let it become something that is familiar and understandable.  Homegrown is an old term that refers to the integration of new with old.  I absolutely loved this term from this chapter.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Wordle (and other word cloud creators) the best? I love how easy it is to get a great effect and there are some creative ways to incorporate them in lesson plans for more than just aesthetics.

    Also like that you recognize some good uses for the collaborative wiki platforms. I have used them with students to create collaborative study guides and to do projects similar to what you are doing with your classmates this week. Additionally they are a fabulous platform for global projects with schools in other parts of the world - students can build content together and they can also communicate with each other transparently via the discussions.
