Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Digital Blog Post H-Chapter 9

 Chapter 9 discusses multimedia in the classroom, and includes talking about visual and text representations.  I created a Powerpoint that covers all of the topics I enjoyed from this chapter, and will explain each in more detail below.

PowerPoint for me is a past-time that I remember using in many of my courses throughout the years.  It was easy, there were always templates that you could create from, and you just had to insert your information and pictures.  It was good for organizing and gave the group you were presenting to the most important information,

Graphic design is something that I am constantly using, not just in technology but even throughout the day.  My students respond well to visual and text that is organized and can be legible.  They love to use this as a way to remember information for future use.

Next-generation presentation tools are things that I am already starting to use.  For example, Animoto and Prezi are two that I have been practicing with to  better use throughout my time as a teacher.  They will be great for me in the future when I am a full-time teacher who wants to present information in a new way.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Your PP animation is set really fast and I could not find a way to slow it down nor stop it - therefore, I couldn't really see the content. It looks like you may have replicated what you put in text, but that's a caveat when using/posting on your blog (be sure it works ok for the reader). If you use a lot of graphic arts with your students, you will want to be sure to start bookmarking (with Delicious, of course!) all of the cool sites you have encountered this semester.
