Sunday, March 29, 2015

Digital Blog Post J-Chapter 11

When I was reading this chapter, I did not realize how important assessment was as a teacher.  I recently just had my first assessment as a paraprofessional, where I had to write observations of the teachers I worked with and discuss what I would implement and what I wouldn't.  It was a great experience because I could reflect on my first year and start keeping notes on how I want to be as a future teacher.  It also seems beneficial in my college career presently.

My digital teaching portfolio has just recently been started because I had my first evaluation.  I have also been saving all of my certificates and different topics my students have covered and lessons I have helped with when working with the teachers.

The last topic I found interesting was reflection.  Many of the classes that I took through the school board talk about reflection and discuss how to reflect on the decisions we have made in the classroom.  I am learning that reflection is key in being a great teacher!  And I like to pride myself in being someone who reflects on life and works hard to be better as a teacher.

Below is my PowerPoint on these topics as PowerPoint is virtually the best invention ever created for people who hate technology (like myself) :) .


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Did you provide narration on your PP/YouTube? If so, it doesn't appear to have come through?? You can add via PP pretty easily with a built-in or plug-in microphone and the combination of audio and text really make it multimedia! :)

    Reflection is definitely an important skill to possess and practice. Without it, improvements are rarely made in our lives. It is a great learning tool, as well - one that I incorporated via these chapter reading/blog posts. Reflections make connections to personalize/individualize and thus, make it much more meaningful.
